Synopsis There is a fear if one publishes prices on their Survey Business website, it will be a race to the bottom. Disaster will strike, you will lose your business, your livelihood and your bread and butter. This is an article to highlight the very subject, dissect it and stick it back together. I have […]
In this latest VLOG find out all about the amazing Content Marketing World Conference and how we can get you special discounts, and great hotel deals for this must attend event. If you are a geospatial marketer, surveyor and/or director this is the ultimate marketing conference that you need to go to. Find out more […]
A Life as a Geospatial Marketer Another crazy week in the Elaine Ball Camp! The Get Kids into Survey Campaign has taken off and its been great to see how humble the Survey Community has been. I love this Industry and together we can show the world how exciting it is! I […]
What company isn’t looking to turn a profit? Yep, no doubt about it; these days the geospatial industry is a hot-mess of companies all searching for the holy grail…real life paying customers. But so many people don’t invest in one crucial revenue source: the humble website. Yes you know who you are!! Sure, you can […]
You’ve taken the plunge into starting your own business; all those tales of overnight success stories and raking in the big bucks are flying around your head. It’s great to dream big, right? But annoyingly, the ‘build it and they will come’ theory just isn’t always true. Marketing your business is essential to get your […]
The “How-2-be-a-GeoMarketer” Series Part 1 – Surveyors: How to get the most out of a tiny Marketing Budget! Hey up (as we say in Yorkshire) Surveyors. I’ve pulled together a quick guide on how to get the most out of a tiny marketing budget! Focused at Surveyors: directors and managers of survey teams and their […]
What’s This SEO Malarkey REALLY About? You know that sinking feeling when you dash into your local supermarket to pick something up in a hurry, and they’ve changed everything around? All you can think is: great, all I need is a carton of milk and a tin of cat food, but now […]
Want to Become the Google of Geospatial? Why You Need a Great Brand to Beat Your Competitors How often do you use Google on an average day? If you’re anything like me, you probably use Google Search at least a dozen times a day – it’s my default for checking or researching everything from […]
I have a shameful secret. I’m almost too scared to confess it. But we’re friends, right? I can trust you…? I have – whisper it – nearly 800 unread emails in my inbox. I know, it’s terrible. I seriously need to de-clutter. But how did it get to this? Well, part of the problem is […]
The Power of Videos for Developing Sales Scroll through your Facebook or Instagram feed and what do you see? Video clips. Animations. Mini-documentaries. Awareness-raising videos. Sales and demo videos. Everywhere. Click on a link to a news article or blog post in just about any field and as likely as not, there’ll be a […]
Okay, I know this sounds crazy, but… (Wait for it…) Sometimes, just having a very limited marketing budget to work with can actually be a godsend. No really, I’m serious! I know what you’re thinking: But Elaine, this is your profession! Aren’t you supposed to be persuading me to hand over as much money as […]
We talk a lot about the “buying process” or the “buyer’s journey” in Geospatial. You know, the specific set of steps that your customer takes to get from total stranger to happy customer. The “touchpoints” they make with your brand. How your selling strategy intersects with their buying cycles and blah blah blah. Or, […]