Tag: Marketing for surveyors

What is the difference between sales and marketing?

The objective is to understand the difference between sales and marketing in order to grasp how working together will improve your sales revenue at a profit.    Audience: Owners of Survey Firms / Sales and Markeitng Managers of equipment sellers   Marketing and sales play a very important role within ANY business.  In a nutshell, they […]

Diary of a Geospatial Marketer: Content Planning

April 20th 2018 SOMETHING BIG IS HAPPENING! It involves National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) but you will have to wait! We’ve purchased a new camera! Today we’re shooting this VLOG on the Canon EOS 750, it’s taken some getting used to but we love it so far. This week Elaine talks about the importance of […]

Diary of a Geospatial Marketer: The “sexy” bit of feature extraction

We’ve been fighting the incredible amount of snow here in the Yorkshire Dales over Easter, battling our way to the post office to get the latest “Get Kids Into Survey” posters out the door. The brand awareness for sponsoring this great poster has gone through the roof! We’re delighted to have recently added TopoDOT’s sponsored dog, […]

Introducing the Content Marketing World Conference

In this latest VLOG find out all about the amazing Content Marketing World Conference and how we can get you special discounts, and great hotel deals for this must attend event. If you are a geospatial marketer, surveyor and/or director this is the ultimate marketing conference that you need to go to. Find out more […]

Diary of a Geospatial Marketer Friday 10th November 2017

A Life as a Geospatial Marketer This week Elaine and Elly zoomed down to Swindon to attend the Survey Association Conference held at the awesome Steam Rail Museum.  Despite the crazy roundabout scenario the conference was interesting! Keep your eyeballs on Barry Gleeson, a cracking speaker.  Barry is program engineering manager for BIM at Network […]

Top 3 Explosive Marketing Tips for Geospatial Equipment Start-Ups

You’ve taken the plunge into starting your own business; all those tales of overnight success stories and raking in the big bucks are flying around your head. It’s great to dream big, right? But annoyingly, the ‘build it and they will come’ theory just isn’t always true. Marketing your business is essential to get your […]

Surveyors: How to get the most out of a tiny Marketing Budget!

The “How-2-be-a-GeoMarketer” Series Part 1 – Surveyors: How to get the most out of a tiny Marketing Budget! Hey up (as we say in Yorkshire) Surveyors.  I’ve pulled together a quick guide on how to get the most out of a tiny marketing budget!  Focused at Surveyors: directors and managers of survey teams and their […]

Easy Ways to Get Management on Board with Facebook

Before we get started, I’d like to tell you a little story. Way back in 1955, when TVs were just starting to gain a little bit of popularity in the UK, a smart young advertising executive called Brian Palmer had a brave idea.   He wanted to specialise in a new type of advertising: television […]

Don’t Even Think About Online Advertising Before You’ve Read THIS

  Online advertising has come a long, long way in recent years. Retargeted advertising means that you can hone in on precisely the customers you want to talk to, and ensure you don’t waste time and money on scattergunning inappropriate leads. A wealth of analytics tools means you can figure out exactly what works – […]

Want to Know If Social Media Really Works for the Geospatial Sector?  Read This

    Want to Know If Social Media Really Works for the Geospatial Sector? Read This       Can social media marketing genuinely get results for businesses serving the geospatial sector? Well, the short answer is yes. In the next ten minutes, I’m going to show you why.   Back in February, we got […]

5 Social Media Bloggers Every Geospatial Company Should Follow

  Are you secretly suspicious of social media?   Feel like geospatial doesn’t lend itself to the digital space? Can’t see your clients warming to your attempts to reach out online? These 5 thought-leading bloggers are about to change your mind.     Viveka Von Rosen   Who is She? A huge influence on B2B […]