Tag: geomatics

Everything You Need To Know About Running a Successful Email Campaign

I have a shameful secret. I’m almost too scared to confess it. But we’re friends, right? I can trust you…? I have – whisper it – nearly 800 unread emails in my inbox. I know, it’s terrible. I seriously need to de-clutter. But how did it get to this? Well, part of the problem is […]

How to Get the Most Out of a Tiny Marketing Budget

Okay, I know this sounds crazy, but… (Wait for it…) Sometimes, just having a very limited marketing budget to work with can actually be a godsend. No really, I’m serious! I know what you’re thinking: But Elaine, this is your profession! Aren’t you supposed to be persuading me to hand over as much money as […]

How Do I Increase Sales By $200k

  Marketers: Here’s How to Stop Looking Desperate (and Start Getting People to Show Up) Ever get that sense of dread before a party? The sinking feeling that no one will actually turn up? Sure, you scattergunned all your Facebook friends. You’ve been texting the most popular people for the past week. But all you’ve […]

Examples of how to develop sales leads

  Today, Elaine shows you some examples on how to develop sales leads and highlights how some companies are doing it right! Continuing from the previous video and how market segments are important to help focus your content.  Get your content right and it will attract more people.  People with that particular problem.  The more focused […]

Learning the sales game?

By Elaine Ball Learning the sales game.  You either have it or you don’t?  This was the topic of conversation at last weeks training session given by sales gurus Huthwaite International at the Radisson near London’s Heathrow T5. Being in the world of Geomatics and selling technical type products or services to other technical type […]