Tag: Digital Marketing

Diary of a Geospatial Marketer: The Isle of Man TT Report

Hi everyone! Like Motorbikes? Like the Isle of Man TT? Like lasers? Last week I went over to the Isle of Man for the TT motor bike racing, and it was just incredible! The Isle of Man TT is the world’s ultimate road race. Not only is the Isle of Man a beautiful place to be […]

Diary of a Geospatial Marketer: The Florida Trip Part 2

Hey everyone, Welcome to part two of my Florida trip VLOG. I check in two days just before the TUC 2018 conference in Orlando Florida where the guys were busy packing boxes and finalising presentations. With 211 attendees this year we were in for a busy time at the conference with lots of technical sessions […]

Diary of a Geospatial Marketer: The GeoBusiness Edition

What an awesome few days at GEO Business 2018, here is my round up from the event! Sending out a big thank you to Versha Carter Caroline Hobden and team for a brilliant show! #geospatial #Geobiz Elaine  

Diary of a Geospatial Marketer: The “sexy” bit of feature extraction

We’ve been fighting the incredible amount of snow here in the Yorkshire Dales over Easter, battling our way to the post office to get the latest “Get Kids Into Survey” posters out the door. The brand awareness for sponsoring this great poster has gone through the roof! We’re delighted to have recently added TopoDOT’s sponsored dog, […]

Top 3 Explosive Marketing Tips for Geospatial Equipment Start-Ups

You’ve taken the plunge into starting your own business; all those tales of overnight success stories and raking in the big bucks are flying around your head. It’s great to dream big, right? But annoyingly, the ‘build it and they will come’ theory just isn’t always true. Marketing your business is essential to get your […]

The Ginormous Marketing Mistake that Everyone in Your Industry is Making

Remember when the I Heart NY design first came out? Way back in the 70s? Yeah, this one: Back then, this simple design was the height of cool. It was sleek, bold and totally iconic. It made designer Milton Glaser a household name. Go to New York today and you’ll still see it plastered over […]

Don’t Even Think About Online Advertising Before You’ve Read THIS

  Online advertising has come a long, long way in recent years. Retargeted advertising means that you can hone in on precisely the customers you want to talk to, and ensure you don’t waste time and money on scattergunning inappropriate leads. A wealth of analytics tools means you can figure out exactly what works – […]

How Do I Increase Sales By $200k

  Marketers: Here’s How to Stop Looking Desperate (and Start Getting People to Show Up) Ever get that sense of dread before a party? The sinking feeling that no one will actually turn up? Sure, you scattergunned all your Facebook friends. You’ve been texting the most popular people for the past week. But all you’ve […]

Examples of how to develop sales leads

  Today, Elaine shows you some examples on how to develop sales leads and highlights how some companies are doing it right! Continuing from the previous video and how market segments are important to help focus your content.  Get your content right and it will attract more people.  People with that particular problem.  The more focused […]