Marketing Articles NOT to FORGET!


Marketing Articles not to forget

A GROWING list of great articles.  I come across some amazing reads… and while I post a lot of these on our dedicated Geospatial Sales & Marketing Support Group on LinkedIn I’ve decided to add them to this page….


So keep you eye ball’s peeled….



Strategy & Marketing

  1. Fuel for the Surveyor’s Marketing Engine

Market Segmentation/ Divided Clients into Group

  1. Marketing Segmentation Tips for Surveyors
  2. Finding the Perfect Surveying Client
  3. How to Segment Industrial Markets
  4. Macro and Micro Segmentation:  Variables for Segmenting Organisational Markets

Marketing Campaigns/ Marketing Communications (MARCOM)

  1. Where Have the Loyal Customers Gone (For Surveyors)

The Buyers Journey

  1. The New Sales Imperative
  2. Optimise Content Marketing by Facilitating the Buyers Journey


Social Media

  1. 3 of the Most Successful Social Media Campaigns for B2B
  2. How to add Klout to Twitter (ppssst…. Klout shows you how influential you are online)


Website/ SEO

  1. How to Stop Spam Bots from Ruining Your Analytics Referral Data
  2. Solving the Pogo-Stick Problem