Tag: B2BMarketing

What is the difference between sales and marketing?

The objective is to understand the difference between sales and marketing in order to grasp how working together will improve your sales revenue at a profit.    Audience: Owners of Survey Firms / Sales and Markeitng Managers of equipment sellers   Marketing and sales play a very important role within ANY business.  In a nutshell, they […]

I was skeptical about hiring a consultant! Read my story…..

Even I Elaine Ball was skeptical about hiring a consultant! “Anyone who promises to change your Geospatial business by taking your hard earned dosh is worthy of close attention, even if I say so myself” Elaine Ball I’m naturally open minded to most things but the older I get the more skeptical I become!?! Is […]

If THESE 4️⃣ Surveyors Walked Into A Bar…

If an Innovator, Disrupter, Landman and Under-Dog walked into a bar… what would you get? Well, Geospatialers, you’d get some of the most exciting and forward-thinking surveyors & businesses in the online space right now! ⬇️ Take a look at 4 businesses we LOVE to follow…   The Innovator Microdrones (@microdrones_uas) are a BIG company […]