Part 2 How does social media work in getting sales leads?


This is Part 2 of Lead Generation | how does social media work in getting sales leads?

Click here for part 1 How do I get more sales leads from my website?

Social Media 

Ok dudes and dudets, you can’t just launch your website and hope people will find you! You can’t just rely on Google. You have to tell people about your website in order for google to be your friend and send people to your website.


Today I’m talking about Social Media and how Social Media for Geospatial Marketing can increase your sales leads! This blog is about improving traffic from Social Media platforms to your website in order to improve the amount of traffic and therefore sales leads.


First things first, as Mark Schaefer explains in his amazing little book “Social Media Explained”


“No amount of work, time or dedication to marketing and social media networking will work if you haven’t surrounded yourself with people who might be interested in you and what you have to say!”


Step 1 Network Geospatial Marketers

So, surround yourself with people in your circles; such as clients, suppliers, and your own industry contacts, and of course your market (your potential customers)! You want to network online with people who may buy your ‘thing’ you need to follow them, like them, share their stuff and mingle!


Step 2 Be Social Geospatial MarketersSloth

I want to point out that Social Media is all about being “Social”! Yep….. you heard me… being ‘social’ people! Interaction with others online! Social Media is a two way street! Receiving re-tweets and likes are just the start (the lazy sloth start), while a consistent flow of content is good for generating traffic and of course getting them closer to purchasing your ‘thing’, these people are also difficult to ‘take action, and its all about the action, right?


You want connections to do something!! Like share, ask a question, pick up the phone, download a white paper, attend a webinar or seminar. So going back to Step 1 and 2, you want to build followers who might want your ‘thing’ and you have to build trust and loyalty when posting on any social media platform.


Step 3 Content

It’s all about the content. I get asked by many Geospatial folk “but who writes it Elaine?” or “I don’t have time to write it!”.


Ok, what happens when someone calls you or enquires about what you do? You answer them with some details? Correct? Ok…… how many times do you repeat yourself? I bet a lot! So…. Wasting your time?


Start by writing 1 or 2 answers down per week, if you get all your team to do this, you will soon build up a rather large bucket full of content! All yummy stuff for search engines and ‘attracting’ people to your website! So you may repeat yourself but your answers are now helping make you money!


On Tuesday 12th April 2016 I will post a blog on Content and how to write great electric content that will get you more sales leads!


Step 4 Give it away

Is Elaine going mad here! Nope!! Give your content away! Why? By giving content away, you are showing that you are the guys to go to! You are the people who are the experts and know their stuff! You are that ‘knowledge hub’, where people know to go to and trust! Business relationships are built on trust!


If you are still unconvinced, read Mark Schaefer’s blog post “If I give away my content, don’t I give away my business? 


If you are really into this, read Joes Blog on “Give Content Away to Get” 


Step 5 Measure

This is where most Geospatial Marketers go wrong. You want to find out how well your social platforms are doing and the only way to do this is to ‘see’ how many visitors (sessions) are coming from a social media platform to your website! This is step 1.


Step 2, you want to know if they are ‘reading’ your content, so time on your website is important to know. By understanding how many visitors (and if they are going up) and how long they are staying on your site, you will have a pretty good idea which platform is working for you. The next step is, do you have Call to Actions (CTA) on your website to ‘get people’ doing something (there will be another blog on this soon)


Which Social Media Platforms are best for Geospatial?


In the Geospatial Market Place, the two main platforms are LinkedIn and Twitter. I’m seeing this with both ‘sellers’ of survey equipment to ‘service’ providers such as surveyors delivering a service. A couple of great people to follow on Twitter are:

Claire Fenwick of Spatial Dimensions, UK

Mike Hopkins and Team of Storm Geomatics, UK

Kelli Guidry and team at NEI, USA

Claire, Mike and Kelli are regular contributors to their social media platforms (picking on Twitter today) and post some fascinating and fun posts, keeping their brands in front of people minds! Follow them to see what they are doing! Even ask them some questions!

Further links to see how your website is performing!

Want to check your website, like Google does? Read this


Ask me a question:


Part 3 coming up on 12th April at 7:30am