Tag: elaine ball technical marketing

Diary of a Geospatial Marketer: Florida Trip 2018

Hello everyone, It’s been a busy time here at EBTM, with a recent trip to Florida for the the TUC 2018 conference. As some of you know I do a weekly VLOG on what EBTM gets up to in the Geospatial Marketing Industry. I am literally two weeks behind on this TopoDOT User Conference (#TUC18) VLOG […]

Diary of a Geospatial Marketer: The GeoBusiness Edition

What an awesome few days at GEO Business 2018, here is my round up from the event! Sending out a big thank you to Versha Carter Caroline Hobden and team for a brilliant show! #geospatial #Geobiz Elaine  

Diary of a Geospatial Marketer: Smart Cities Revealed

Hello everyone, This week we have BIG NEWS PEOPLE! The National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) are onboard with #GetKidsintoSurvey. A huge thank you to Timothy Burch Trisha Milburn and team! Get the scoop on my up and coming talk at TUC, the TopoDOT user conference in Orlando next month where I will be delving into […]

Diary of a Geospatial Marketer: The “sexy” bit of feature extraction

We’ve been fighting the incredible amount of snow here in the Yorkshire Dales over Easter, battling our way to the post office to get the latest “Get Kids Into Survey” posters out the door. The brand awareness for sponsoring this great poster has gone through the roof! We’re delighted to have recently added TopoDOT’s sponsored dog, […]

Introducing the Content Marketing World Conference

In this latest VLOG find out all about the amazing Content Marketing World Conference and how we can get you special discounts, and great hotel deals for this must attend event. If you are a geospatial marketer, surveyor and/or director this is the ultimate marketing conference that you need to go to. Find out more […]